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Why You Should Learn How to Code, Even If You Don’t Want to Become a Programmer

How programming can trigger personal growth

Marietta Sauerzapf
4 min readApr 6, 2021


Learning how to code had a profound impact on how I think, act and communicate. Let me tell you from my own experience, why coding can benefit you, even if you don’t want to become a programmer.

Example code showing the comment, “How do you get smarter?” and the console.log function saying, “Learn how to code!”
Screenshot taken by the author

In 2017, I got a job as a translator in a software company. Even though no coding skills were required, I wanted to better understand my environment and the people I worked with. So, I decided to learn how to code and went from HTML and CSS, over Python to JavaScript. Yet, being able to read and write code is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the change that programming brought about for me.

Analytic thinking — See the Greater Picture, Move Step by Step

One of the first and hardest things I learned was that a computer doesn’t understand what you mean. It only understands what you say. So, you need to be specific and precise in your instructions. Let’s look at an every-day example: If I ask you to kindly get me a coke from the fridge, you’ll know what to do. But if you were my computer, I would need to tell you to

  1. go to the fridge,
  2. turn to face the fridge,
  3. open your hand,
  4. put your hand to the fridge door handle,
  5. close your hand,
  6. pull the door open,

7. … .

As you can see, I have to write down every task I want my code to perform in the correct logical order and explicitly add every step. So far, this has caused me a lot of frustration and despair. After all, I was used to a more complex, more implicit style of communication — and to being understood. But I learned and practiced to break down any task into smaller bits, be it in programming or in real life. I won’t lie, I’m still struggling when it comes to writing code. But using this analytic approach in general has helped me to handle many projects more effectively. I’d like to think that I’ve saved some nerves and time here and there, too.

Creativity — Many Roads Lead to Rome

Another thing I’ve learned is that there is not one correct solution. When I started to code, I believed that there was only one right formula for each problem. I didn’t think that something as analytical and logical as coding could also be creative. As it turns out, there are as many approaches to a coding problem as there are minds facing it.

For me, this meant two things: First, my solution may not look that neat, but it can work, no matter what others came up with. Second, if you’re stuck, take a step back and try to see the problem from different perspectives. You might find an easier, more elegant or simply the right solution for you.

Communication — Building Bridges

The most valuable lesson, though, was communication. Programming helped me to develop a basic level of “IT-speak” skills. The more practice I had, the better I understood the terminology and concepts of coding. I became more confident when talking to programmers. Also, I was able to better explain the coding problems I was facing or what outcome I was hoping for in my projects. Most importantly, though, I felt more comfortable asking for help.

Today, even though I am still learning how to code, it already has

  • boosted my analytical thinking and problem solving skills;
  • encouraged me to be more open to unconventional ideas and consider different approaches to any kind of task;
  • made me more sensitive to the fact that other people may not mean the same thing as I do, even though we seem to be talking about the same topic;
  • and it has given me access to a whole new and inspiring group of people who are always happy to help and have a chat.

Summing up, I can only recommend learning how to code, even though you don’t wish to become a programmer. You might be surprised at the personal and professional growth that comes along with it. I certainly didn’t expect it and I’m truly grateful for it.



Marietta Sauerzapf
Marietta Sauerzapf

Written by Marietta Sauerzapf

Translator by chance. Scrum master by choice. Explorer by nature.

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